Monday, November 25, 2019

Film Blog

This upcoming week is Thanksgiving break. Unfortunately, my group has not filmed our music video yet. Fortunately, I am going on vacation to Dallas this week for thanksgiving. My group has decided that the change in scenery would be perfect for the music video. The fall leaves changing colors and nice lakes will make our music video stand out. Hopefully we can do something that shows the change in location. The houses in Dallas will have completely different architecture which is perfect because pop stars, which is the character i’m portraying, travel all over. I think that my group has not thought about the time constraint we are under. Most groups have finished filming and will be editing soon. We only have until after thanksgiving break and i’m not sure if we will be able to film together. Filming together is not a requirement though so I think our project will be done in time, the quality might not be the best though.
Personally, I feel overwhelmed by my workload in our group. As far as my personal journey through this, I have learned a lot. At first I tried to consider my groups ideas when we were storyboarding. Then I realized that I would be the only one in the music video and I need to express what I want to do. I also realized that neither of my group mates are familiar with the song we are doing our music video to. I feel now like I am definitely the best decision making group member. When we start filming I can imagine a lot of minor changes being made. For example, when I am alone traveling I won’t have extra people to hold the props. So then I can make each scene have a certain amount of props.
The filming process in total might take anywhere from 1-3 days. I think it is definitely possible to get all the filming done in one day. The only reason filming might extend longer than that is if the weather gets bad or we decide to film in two separate states. Mr. Katz, our AICE Media Studies teacher, allows us to check out and borrow cameras to film over break. The condition is that you need to sign a form saying you are liable and must pay for any damages or loss. Because of this, I don’t think I will be bringing a borrow camera on vacation. I fear that I will lose the camera or it might get stolen. Filming on a mobile device might be hard but the good thing is all the videos save safely. Once the videos are on the phone we can email them to a laptop to edit. Hopefully our entire filming process goes smoothly.

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